Thirty minutes of molecular hydrogen inhalation is equivalent to drinking 36,000 bottles of 1-liter hydrogen water. Hydrogen inhalation is the effective & straight forward method for clinical or wellness indications. Ask us for more information.

Safety & disclaimer.

Flammability Or Fire: 

Theoretically, when the hydrogen concentration in the air is 4%~75% explosion occurs at ignition temperature of 572 °C. When the hydrogen concentration is around 4%~94% then explosion occurs at ignition temperature of 560 °C. These values are measured in vacuum. It is impossible to put hydrogen gas in a complete vacuum environment in every day environment, therefore reaching explosion concentration due to hydrogen leakage is next to impossible. 

For inhalation below 4% or above 75.6% hydrogen is safe, because it is below the level of flammable limits.

Technical risks:

The technology used is (PEM) Polymer Electrolyte Membrane also known as Proton Exchange Membrane.  High-tech (PEM) technology produces hydrogen with the purity of 99.9995%. Due to its solid structure, exhibits a low gas crossover rate resulting in very high product gas purity suitable for medical applications.

The hydrogen therapy inhalation machine has built in safety features to avoid any danger. Hydrogen gas is not stored, it is created on demand in safe volumes.


Hydrogen has been granted GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) status by the FDA, and in studies going back to the 1940s, no toxic effects of hydrogen consumption have ever been reported. 

Each molecule of  H2 can convert two hydroxyl radicals into water, hydrating your cells in the process. Therefore, even at high concentrations, H2 has zero toxicity. Any excess H2 simply gets released from the body. 

Hydrogen (H2) is reported to have no cytotoxicity even at high concentrations. The safety of H2 for humans is demonstrated by its application in Hydreliox, an exotic, breathing gas mixture of 49% H2, 50% helium and 1% O2, which is used to prevent decompression sickness and nitrogen narcosis during very deep technical diving. 

In clinical studies there were no reported toxic effects of ingesting H2. Hydrogen is a safe and non-toxic substance when used at relatively low concentrations under normal conditions of pressure and temperature.

The non-toxic and quick sub-cellular diffusion features of this medical agent guarantee the practicality and propensity for its clinical application. 

In our model, hydrogen is never stored. Hydrogen is used as it is being produced. Hence there are no chances of flammability or explosion. 


Information within this blog site is provided for informational and educational purposes only and may not be accurate. This information is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your personal physician or any other medical professional or may have assumed personally by the user of this blog site. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication or therapy including hydrogen inhalation therapy in any form. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider..

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